Legal note: Asylum in Hungary damaged beyond repair?

Legal note: Asylum in Hungary damaged beyond repair?

A legal note published today provides a succinct analysis of the most problematic aspects of the Hungarian asylum system and legal framework, and the most egregious human rights violations asylum seekers currently face in the country, including at its external border...
Refugee rights subsiding? New AIDA comparative report

Refugee rights subsiding? New AIDA comparative report

An AIDA comparative report launched today discusses the impact of Europe’s two-tier protection regime, distinguishing between refugee status and subsidiary protection, on the rights of those granted protection. While the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) is...
AIDA Update: Greece 2016

AIDA Update: Greece 2016

The updated country report on Greece provides a thorough analysis of the transformation of the Greek asylum system in the light of the closure of the Western Balkan route and the EU-Turkey statement. The report offers detailed statistics and practical insights into...
The Dublin system and its dysfunctions: the human faces

The Dublin system and its dysfunctions: the human faces

Last week, AIDA published statistics on the application of the Dublin Regulation in 2016 revealing persisting dysfunctions in the Dublin system. But as illustrated in the newly released Migrant Voice report Roads to Nowhere the system not only proves dysfunctional by...
Airstrike kills 42 off the Coast of Yemen

Airstrike kills 42 off the Coast of Yemen

On March 17 an airstrike on a vessel carrying 140 passengers off the coast of Yemen killed at least 42 people. The majority of the passengers were Somalis and some of the victims carried official UNHCR protection documents. The attack illustrates an increasing risk...
EU-Libya: Another step towards “increased harm and suffering”?

EU-Libya: Another step towards “increased harm and suffering”?

At a Ministerial Conference in Rome between the Ministers of the Interior of Algeria, Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Libya, Malta, Slovenia, Switzerland and Tunisia and European Commissioner of Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, Dimitris Avramopoulos  a closer...