One step forward and two steps back for legal security in the UK

One step forward and two steps back for legal security in the UK

UK Home Office has finally published Guidance for the law enforcement initiative Nexus aimed at deporting ‘high harm’ foreign nationals. While offering some clarification on the criteria for deportations it fails to offer sufficient legal security. At the same time a...
New report from Greek ECRE member: Asylum Seekers on Hold

New report from Greek ECRE member: Asylum Seekers on Hold

AITIMA, one of ECRE’s Greek members have released the report ‘Asylum Seekers on Hold – Aspects of the Asylum procedure in Greece. The report expresses concerns regarding the impact of the implementation of the EU-Turkey Statement on the asylum procedures in the Greek...
Building fortress Italia by introducing “a wall of laws”?

Building fortress Italia by introducing “a wall of laws”?

Last week the Minniti-Orlando immigration decree-law was approved by the Italian Senate and this week by the lower parliamentary chamber, despite criticism from civil society organisations and the Magistrates’ Association. The Italian Association for Legal Studies on...
Commission report reveals downscaled ambition on relocation

Commission report reveals downscaled ambition on relocation

The European Commission has published its eleventh report on the progress of the relocation and resettlement schemes, revealing downscaled ambitions on relocation. While the Commission identifies a “steady progress” on relocation, the total number remains modest. Only...