Germany restarts unsustainable deportations to unstable Afghanistan

Germany restarts unsustainable deportations to unstable Afghanistan

Last week, the first deportation from Germany to Afghanistan was carried out after the country temporarily  suspended deportations of Afghans in May following an attack close to the German Embassy. The deportation concerned eight Afghan nationals. On   the same day an...
Weekly Editorial: Solidarity speaks louder than sugary words

Weekly Editorial: Solidarity speaks louder than sugary words

When President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker delivered his State of the Union speech on September 13 he politely praised Italy for its “tireless and noble work,” in the area of migration and went on to conclude that “Italy is saving Europe’s...
On the unfolding situation of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants sleeping rough in the streets of Brussels – Interview with Jolien Potemans Policy Officer at the Flemish Refugee Action who has been on location several times

On the unfolding situation of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants sleeping rough in the streets of Brussels – Interview with Jolien Potemans Policy Officer at the Flemish Refugee Action who has been on location several times

Informal refugee camps in cities – a (new) European reality? Reports of informal refugee camps and mounting police violence against the people inhabiting them are coming from all over Europe at the moment: Brussels, Paris and Rome. In an interview on the situation in...
EU migration cooperation with third countries: More harm than good?

EU migration cooperation with third countries: More harm than good?

The latest Progress Report on the Partnership Framework with third countries under the European Agenda on Migration states that since the last progress report in June significant progress has been made and outlines the key actions taken since June. According to the...