Number of deaths in the Mediterranean reaches all-times high

2016 is well on course to be yet another ‘deadliest year’, as arrivals to Europe slow down and deaths increase disproportionately. So far this year, 3,167 people have lost their lives  attempting to reach Europe, while in 2015 a total of 3,771 people died at sea. The...

Italy plans to curtail appeals rights in asylum procedures

The Italian Justice Minister has announced in a recent hearing the intention to abolish the second-instance judicial (“onward”) appeal before the Court of Appeal (Corte d’Appello) available to asylum seekers whose appeal against a negative asylum decision has...
Social Innovation for Refugee Inclusion Seminar

Social Innovation for Refugee Inclusion Seminar

How can social innovation and social innovators contribute to the integration of refugees in European societies? ECRE is organising a seminar on the topic of “Social Innovation for Refugee Inclusion”, funded by the U.S. Mission to the European Union, and in...

Vacancy: ECRE is recruiting a Legal Assistant

ECRE is offering an 11-month legal internship. The purpose of this position is to assist ECRE’s Legal Support and Litigation Team with legal research on specific topics relating to international protection, contributing to ECRE’s AIDA and EDAL databases as well as...
ECRE Annual General Conference & UNHCR Consultation 2016

ECRE Annual General Conference & UNHCR Consultation 2016

Each year, over 100 representatives from the refugee-assisting community in Europe gather for the ECRE AGC. It is a key moment for the ECRE network as it provides the Secretariat with their general direction for the coming year and allows members to guide ECRE’s...