Romania witnesses increase in sea arrivals through the Black Sea

Romania witnesses increase in sea arrivals through the Black Sea

The number of arrivals to Romania by sea has increased over the past months, as indicated by several incidents of Coast Guard interception of boats travelling through the Black Sea. Reports from the Coast Guard reveal an increasing number of interceptions of boats in...
Relocation: a test of European solidarity we cannot afford to fail

Relocation: a test of European solidarity we cannot afford to fail

On September 6 the Court of Justice of EU (CJEU) dismissed in its entirety the challenges brought by Hungary and Slovakia to the provisional mechanism of mandatory relocation established in September 2015. However, approaching the expiration date of September 26 of...
The ‘cornerstone’ of CEAS continues to operate in opacity

The ‘cornerstone’ of CEAS continues to operate in opacity

A new statistical update from ECRE’s AIDA database for the first half of 2017 represents the most solid available information on the use of the Dublin Regulation. The report seeks to fill the information gap created by the systematic reluctance of Member States to...
Predictable crisis in Myanmar: EU blind on one eye?

Predictable crisis in Myanmar: EU blind on one eye?

The international community is expressing deep concern about the latest outbreak of fighting between Rohingya militants and Myanmar government forces on 25 August in northern Rakhine State causing a spiral of ethnic violence. However, the persecution of the Rohingya...
ECRE Annual General Conference 2017 in Tallinn, Estonia

ECRE Annual General Conference 2017 in Tallinn, Estonia

The Annual General Conference of the European Council on Refugee and Exiles (ECRE) together with the UNHCR-NGO Consultations took place on 16-18 October 2017 in Tallinn, Estonia (Hotel Euroopa, Paadi 5). The AGC was organized by the Estonian Refugee Council (ERC) and...
Vacancy: Legal Officer

Vacancy: Legal Officer

ECRE is offering 12-months Legal Officer’s post starting in October 2017. The purpose of this position is to enhance capacity of ECRE’s Legal Support and Litigation Team in providing legal and litigation support to ECRE and ELENA members. The post holder will be...