Bolstering borders in the Balkans

Bolstering borders in the Balkans

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and Slovenia have all stepped up border patrols following an increasing number of people transiting through the area, particularly through Bosnia and Herzegovina. Last week the Bosnian Prime Minister Denis Zvisdic announced...

AIDA Briefing: Relocation, a view from destination countries*

An AIDA Legal Briefing published yesterday analyses the practice of countries receiving asylum seekers from Italy and Greece through the relocation scheme. The briefing sketches out the treatment of asylum seekers post-relocation in the areas of registration and...
Interview: Hate Hurts – visualising violence

Interview: Hate Hurts – visualising violence

An interview with Cinzia D’Ambrosi, founder of Hate Hurts Project, a photography project documenting violence against refugees and asylum seekers in Europe. Could you tell us about the aims of your Hate Hurts? I started the Hate Hurts project in 2015, whilst I was in...
ECRE Policy notes: The Price of Rights

ECRE Policy notes: The Price of Rights

ECRE has published Preliminary Analysis of the European Commission’s Proposal for the EU Multi-Annual Financial Framework 2021-2027 in two Policy Notes focusing on Asylum and EU External Funding and Asylum and EU Internal Funding including targeted recommendations to...
Call for tenders: Statutory Auditors for a 3 year Mandate

Call for tenders: Statutory Auditors for a 3 year Mandate

Terms of Reference The Auditor should be a member of the “Institut des Réviseurs d’Entreprise / Instituut der Bedrijfsrevisoren” ( and should: Perform a full audit of ECRE’s accounts for the years 2018, 2019 and 2020 according to auditing standards...