Italy: harsh rhetoric continues, now with a ministerial mandate

Italy: harsh rhetoric continues, now with a ministerial mandate

Controversial statements by present Lega and former Lega Nord politician Matteo Salvini is not a new phenomenon. But at his recent visit to Pozzallo in Sicily he was speaking as Minister of Interior and Deputy Prime Minister of Italy and his remarks about migrants...
Spain: Report on immigration detention in 2017

Spain: Report on immigration detention in 2017

A report by the Jesuit Migrants Service published today documents Spain’s use of immigration detention in 2017, against the backdrop of increasing numbers of arrivals. Spain placed 8,814 persons in Foreigner Detention Centres (Centros de Internamiento de Extranjeros,...
Triple tragedy – excessive death in the Mediterranean

Triple tragedy – excessive death in the Mediterranean

The 1 -3 June saw devastating loss of life across all the three major Mediterranean migration routes, making it the deadliest weekend in the region this year. An estimated 125 men, women and children have drowned off the coast of Turkey, Tunisia, Algeria, Spain and...
France: government continues to clear migrant camps in Paris

France: government continues to clear migrant camps in Paris

In the last two weeks, the French authorities have carried out evacuations of three unofficial camps on the streets of Paris, and rounded up almost 2,000 migrants who had been living there. The ‘Millenaire’ camp in the Northeast of the city, the largest of its kind in...
Weekly Editorial: Any opposition is too much for Orbán

Weekly Editorial: Any opposition is too much for Orbán

On Tuesday the Hungarian government submitted to Parliament the latest version of its anti-migration, anti-civil society, anti-democratic laws. They have met with widespread international condemnation. But will European leaders and political parties finally respond?...