EU Parliament to vote on sanctions on Hungary

EU Parliament to vote on sanctions on Hungary

A report by MEP Judith Sargentini Rapporteur for the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) which calls on the European Council to trigger Article 7 of the Treaty on European Union will be put to vote in the European Parliament on September 12....

Portugal: Persisting detention of children at the airport*

The Portuguese Aliens and Borders Service (SEF) continues to detain groups with special needs, in particular families with children and unaccompanied children, in the Temporary Installation Centre (CIT) of Lisbon Airport. An order by the Ministry of Internal...

Germany: Measures restricting “church asylum” contradict case law*

The German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) has introduced new rules of procedure which restrict “church asylum”, the temporary sanctuary offered by religious institutions to people facing deportation to protect them from undue hardship. Church asylum...
UK: Dramatic cuts in integration

UK: Dramatic cuts in integration

A recent study by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) has found that the UK government has made dramatic cuts to the funding of key community cohesion strategies. This is in spite of repeated rhetoric that puts the burden, and time pressure, of integration...
Austria plans to scrap asylum seeker apprenticeships

Austria plans to scrap asylum seeker apprenticeships

The Austrian government tabled a bill on Monday to remove the possibility for young asylum seekers to take up apprenticeships. Since 2012, persons below the age of 25 who are awaiting a decision on their asylum claim can obtain a work permit for an apprenticeship in...
116 expulsions in 24 hours by the new Spanish Socialist Government

116 expulsions in 24 hours by the new Spanish Socialist Government

The situation is tightening for persons crossing the Southern border of Spain (Frontera Sur) from Morocco. This week the police have arrested 10 migrants who crossed the Spanish border fence in July while last week the new Spanish Government expelled 116 persons...