The Lesvos hotspot: refugees stuck on the island

by Aspasia Papadopoulou, Senior Policy Officer, ECRE* “We had been prepared for the worst when visiting Moria. And it was bad indeed.” The first thing that strikes you when you arrive in Lesvos is how close Turkey is. As the plane was landing at Mytilini...

Accommodation options for asylum seekers in Greece

In a report released on 9 June, the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) analyses the accommodation options in Athens, Greece, for asylum seekers and refugees. According to UNHCR, 50,000 refugees who arrived prior to the EU-Turkey deal are currently stranded in Greece,...

Over 1.19 million people in need of resettlement in 2017

UNHCR’s projected global resettlement needs 2017 report estimates that over 1.19 million people will be in need of resettlement. Syrians are the biggest group in need of resettlement (40%), followed by people from Sudan, Afghanistan and the Democratic Republic of the...

Worsening conditions for refugees in Hungary

On 15 June, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee released an update on the legislative changes in Hungary, stating that due to changes adopted on 13 June whereby people who are arrested within 8 km of either the Serbian-Hungarian or the Croatian-Hungarian border will be...

World Refugee Day: We stand #WithRefugees

20 June is World Refugee Day.  On that day, all over the world, particular attention is given to the millions of people who have to flee war and human rights violations or persecution. ECRE is joining refugee-assisting organisations in Belgium and UNHCR to call on...

World Refugee Day: We stand #WithRefugees!

  Brussels, 17 June 2016 – 20 June is World Refugee Day.  On that day, all over the world, particular attention is given to the millions of people who have to flee war and human rights violations or persecution. In Belgium too, many organisations work...

Ending childhood statelessness in Europe

A petition organised by the European Network on Statelessness (ENS) calls on all European states to urgently take steps to address the problem of childhood statelessness. Thousands of children across Europe are growing up without a nationality, many of them born in...