New report adds to concern on European deportations to Afghanistan

New report adds to concern on European deportations to Afghanistan

92 per cent of the Afghan asylum seekers and refugees interviewed in a report by Action on Armed Violence (AOAV) has been directly impacted by explosive violence. The grave statistics adds another layer of documentation to the unstable situation in the country where...
Weekly Editorial: Hungary: Enough is Enough

Weekly Editorial: Hungary: Enough is Enough

With recent legal changes, the Hungarian government is making a mockery of EU asylum law, as ECRE has commented. But letting Hungary – again and again – get away with actions that contravene EU law and values makes a mockery of us all. The harsh measures and vile...
European countries step up returns to Afghanistan

European countries step up returns to Afghanistan

On the basis of the EU-Afghanistan agreement ‘Joint Way Forward’ five Member States have recently deported rejected Afghan asylum seekers to Afghanistan. Germany, Austria and Sweden have chartered flights last week, whereas Finland and the Netherlands scheduled...
“Asylum Lottery” made in Germany

“Asylum Lottery” made in Germany

A study published last week by the University of Konstanz highlighted differential asylum recognition rates across German states and calls for monitoring of decisions taken by individual staff members and the regional branches of the Federal Office for Migration and...
Legal note: Asylum in Hungary damaged beyond repair?

Legal note: Asylum in Hungary damaged beyond repair?

A legal note published today provides a succinct analysis of the most problematic aspects of the Hungarian asylum system and legal framework, and the most egregious human rights violations asylum seekers currently face in the country, including at its external border...