Weekly Editorial: Not all roads lead to Libya

Weekly Editorial: Not all roads lead to Libya

There has been continued exposure and outcry about the treatment of migrants in Libya, and rightly so. Slavery, torture, ongoing sexual violence, including systematic use of male rape. And there are attempts to alleviate the suffering and sort out the situation. But...
Germany’s return hyper ‘efficiency’

Germany’s return hyper ‘efficiency’

Amid intense political focus on strengthening return efforts on national level, figures from the Return Annex of the Commission’s Progress report on the European Agenda on Migration reveal that Germany has been leading in efficiency at EU level when it comes to...
Mediterranean still the busiest and deadliest gate to Europe

Mediterranean still the busiest and deadliest gate to Europe

Reviewing four decades of trans-Mediterranean migration, the Mediterranean route to Europe is still the deadliest in the world. Despite intense political efforts to stop crossings and slight changes in movement patterns, the Mediterranean Sea –mainly the Central...