Scotland leads the way on refugee integration

Scotland leads the way on refugee integration

The Scottish Government is considering a change to its electoral system that could give refugees living in Scotland the right to vote. In a public consultation launched at the end of 2017, the government proposed extending the voting franchise for elections of the...

Asylum statistics 2017: Shifting patterns, persisting disparities*

Despite reports of asylum applications “dropping off drastically” in the European Union throughout 2017, statistics published by national authorities seem to reveal a more complex picture across the continent. Germany witnessed a dramatic decrease in applications...
New Agreement over Border Control in Calais

New Agreement over Border Control in Calais

French President Emmanuel Macron met Theresa May, UK Prime Minister, during a French-UK Summit at Sandhurst on 18 January 2018, where they signed a new protocol on migration control. The “Sandhurst Treaty” is an addition to the Touquet Agreement, which is a bilateral...
Launch event AMIF research: Tuesday 23 January from 14.30 to 16.30

Launch event AMIF research: Tuesday 23 January from 14.30 to 16.30

In 2017, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) have commissioned a joint report on the use of Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) funding at national level. This report presents a...