Greece: CPT slams inhuman detention conditions at the border*

Today the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) published preliminary observations of its visit to detention facilities in Greece from 10 to 19 April 2018. The Committee confirmed the persisting reality of wide disparities in standards across Greece’s...

France: Acceleration of asylum procedure tested in Guiana*

On 23 May 2018, the French government adopted a decree “experimenting certain modalities of processing of asylum applications in Guiana”, aiming to test an acceleration of the asylum procedure in Guiana; one of the main French overseas territories receiving...
Return continues to Afghanistan in crisis

Return continues to Afghanistan in crisis

According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) 285.000 Afghans have returned from Iran over the last five month constituting a 150.000 increase from the same period last year. 12,000 undocumented Afghans have returned or been deported from Pakistan...
Policy Officer: EU funding for refugee and migrant inclusion

Policy Officer: EU funding for refugee and migrant inclusion

ECRE and PICUM are seeking to recruit a full-time policy officer to be based in ECRE’s Brussels office. The policy officer will be developing and implementing an advocacy strategy to increase the amount of funding available for refugees and migrants under EU budget...
Editorial: All eyes on Italy

Editorial: All eyes on Italy

All eyes are on Italy as a new government is formed. The situation looks volatile and unpredictable, with a political novice as Prime Minister and a coalition bringing together a new populist movement, Cinque Stella, and a revitalised Lega (no longer Nord but still...