Op-Ed: The myth and demise of ‘sanctuary’ in the UK

Op-Ed: The myth and demise of ‘sanctuary’ in the UK

By Yasmin Ibrahim, Queen Mary University of London and Anita Howarth, Brunel University. Humanitarianism as a set of responses by governments to protect the human and alleviate suffering is in a state of crisis today, particularly the concept of refuge or sanctuary....
UN Security Council places sanctions on human traffickers in Libya

UN Security Council places sanctions on human traffickers in Libya

The United Nations Security Council has imposed sanctions on six men in Libya accused of leading brutal human trafficking networks across the Mediterranean. Travel bans and global assets freeze are imposed on four Libyans and two Eritreans. This is the first time the...
ECRE Comments on the reform of the Migration Statistics Regulation

ECRE Comments on the reform of the Migration Statistics Regulation

ECRE has published its Comments on the European Commission proposal for an amendment to the Migration Statistics Regulation, which sets out Member States’ obligations to collect and transmit statistics on international protection, return and residence permits to...
Interview: Clean Plate Society – Food for thought

Interview: Clean Plate Society – Food for thought

Interview with Ben Salzwedel, from Clean Plate Society Berlin which organises cultural culinary events. What is Clean Plate Society and what was the inspiration for it? The idea came for our Ramadan Food Festival from co-founders Memona and Laila who are half...
Editorial: Asylum in Europe: Where do we go now?

Editorial: Asylum in Europe: Where do we go now?

After two years of tortuous and time-consuming negotiations, there is no sign that discussions on the reform of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) are going to reach a satisfactory conclusion. The sticking point remains the reform of the Dublin Regulation with...