More talking, less saving, still drowning

More talking, less saving, still drowning

As EU member states interior ministers attended an informal meeting of Justice and Home Affairs Ministers to discuss migration and external border security, the situation on the Mediterranean continues to worsen with the death toll rising and two Italian vessels...
Editorial: Austria: When good countries go bad

Editorial: Austria: When good countries go bad

Up until 2015 or so, Austria was quite a favourite of NGOs in Brussels: an EU Member State willing to promote human rights in EU internal and external policies and happy to support civil society, both generally and in its provision of input into EU policy-making. It...
France: Immigration detention increase continues

France: Immigration detention increase continues

The number of people deprived of their liberty in France for immigration reasons continues to rise, according to the annual report compiled by civil society organisations monitoring administrative detention centres (CRA) and other administrative detention places...
Op Ed: Safety-net torn apart

Op Ed: Safety-net torn apart

By Anikó Bakonyi, Advocacy and Project Officer, Hungarian Helsinki Committee Azim had been waiting in Serbia for nine months to enter Hungary and submit his asylum application. By the time he reached the metal revolving door at the Serbian-Hungarian border he had left...