Asylum: Reducing Rights by Stealth

Asylum: Reducing Rights by Stealth

The Austrian Presidency of the EU ends with a whimper rather than a bang with the European Council of 13-14 December deciding very little on migration. For a Presidency that made “solving” the migration crisis its number one priority it should be judged a failure....
Adoption of the Global Compact on Migration

Adoption of the Global Compact on Migration

After over a year of intergovernmental negotiations, the Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration was adopted at the Intergovernmental Conference on Migration in Marrakesh on December 10 2018. The Global Compact marks the enhanced cooperation on...

Belgium: Barriers to Registration of Asylum Applications*

The Belgian Aliens Office has introduced a quota allowing no more than 50 people per day for registration of asylum seekers at the “Petit-Château” / “Klein Kasteeltje” in central Brussels, which serves as the new temporary registration location as of 3 December 2018....