Report on Illegal Pushback and Border Violence

Report on Illegal Pushback and Border Violence

The Border Violence Monitoring Network has published a report which includes updates and a summary of recent policy developments related to violence and practices of push-backs at the borders of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Hungary, Slovenia and Serbia....
Policy Note: Border Procedures Not A Panacea

Policy Note: Border Procedures Not A Panacea

ECRE’S assessment of proposals for increasing or mandatory use of border procedures The use of border procedures to determine whether a person requires international protection, while permitted under European Union (EU) asylum legislation provided certain...
Policy Note: Migration Mission Creep?

Policy Note: Migration Mission Creep?

ECRE’S assessment of the emerging role of CSDP missions in forced displacement and migration The recent discussion about the extension of the mandate of EUNAVOR MED Operation Sophia, the EU’s military Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) mission operating...
Op-ed: The EU at the Dock for Crimes against Humanity?

Op-ed: The EU at the Dock for Crimes against Humanity?

Op-ed by Jens Dieckmann and Susan Adamsen. Jens Dieckmann is Senior-Partner of Becher & Dieckmann–Rechtsanwälte (Bonn, Germany). He represented clients at the ICTY and ICC and is currently assigned Common Legal Representative, Associate Counsel, for victims in the...