Denmark: Refugee Appeals Board suspends transfers to Hungary

Denmark: Refugee Appeals Board suspends transfers to Hungary

The Danish Refugee Appeals Board issued a decision yesterday to suspend transfers to Hungary under the Dublin Regulation in four cases. The Refugee Appeals Board relied on recent information documenting the risk of arbitrary detention and refoulement to Serbia facing...
Legal note: Asylum in Hungary damaged beyond repair?

Legal note: Asylum in Hungary damaged beyond repair?

A legal note published today provides a succinct analysis of the most problematic aspects of the Hungarian asylum system and legal framework, and the most egregious human rights violations asylum seekers currently face in the country, including at its external border...

AIDA 2016 Update: Croatia

The updated Country Report on Croatia documents the transformation of the Croatian asylum system following the closure of the Western Balkan route and the exponential rise in the number of asylum seekers entering Croatia compared to previous years. The closure of the...