Editorial: Onwards and Upwards

Editorial: Onwards and Upwards

ECRE’s Annual General Conference (AGC) took place last week in Belgrade and demonstrated that civil society working on refugee rights remains strong and determined despite the backlash we face. It is a sign of both this strength and of the commitment to collective...
EU Parliament to vote on sanctions on Hungary

EU Parliament to vote on sanctions on Hungary

A report by MEP Judith Sargentini Rapporteur for the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) which calls on the European Council to trigger Article 7 of the Treaty on European Union will be put to vote in the European Parliament on September 12....
Demonstrators protest against Belgium’s detention of children

Demonstrators protest against Belgium’s detention of children

Between 1200 and 2500 people gathered at the feet of the Manneken Pis last week to protest the holding of four children in a detention centre in Belgium. The crowd, led by the initiative #NotInMyName, decried the ‘inhumane’ policies of the Belgian authorities and...