ECRE Annual General Conference 2018

ECRE Annual General Conference 2018

NB! Registration is now closed due to oversubscription. If you are an ECRE member or from UNHCR please contact Omar Al Tarsheh at Annual General Conference of the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) together with the UNHCR-NGO Europe...
Op Ed: Safety-net torn apart

Op Ed: Safety-net torn apart

By Anikó Bakonyi, Advocacy and Project Officer, Hungarian Helsinki Committee Azim had been waiting in Serbia for nine months to enter Hungary and submit his asylum application. By the time he reached the metal revolving door at the Serbian-Hungarian border he had left...
Op-Ed: Forgotten at the gates of Europe

Op-Ed: Forgotten at the gates of Europe

By Claudia Bonamini, Policy & Advocacy Officer, Jesuit Refugee Service Europe “Nothing new under the sun” we were thinking, slightly concerned, at JRS Europe, when we started analysing the more than 100 interviews our partners conducted with forced migrants in six...