Reception Crises: Hundreds of Asylum Seekers Left Without Accommodation in Ireland, Dutch Authorities Restrict Access to Ter Apel, NGOs Says Belgium Lacks Political Will for Shelter

Reception Crises: Dutch State Sued Over Inhumane Conditions and Critisised over Proposed Crisis Measure to Limit Family Reunification, Fedasil staff Protests as Reception Crisis in Belgium Reaches Boiling Point

Amid the ongoing reception crisis in the Netherlands, ECRE member Dutch Council for Refugees (DCR) has filed a case against the state at the District Court of The Hague demanding that minimum legal requirements are met by 1 October. Further, the government’s proposed...
Belgium: Authorities Convicted Over Asylum and Reception Mismanagement – Smuggler Sentenced for 39 Deaths in 2019 Tragedy

Belgium: EASO to Support Authorities Struggling with Reception Crisis

On 16 December Belgium signed an operational plan with the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) for support in the form of “reception assets and equipment, personnel and technical expertise” to assist Belgian asylum authorities in dealing with the ongoing reception...