Belgium: Failure to Deal with Persistent Reception Crisis is “Attack on Rule of Law” Human Rights Institutions Say, Situation in the Building of Palais des Droits is “Worse than that in Libya’s Camps” Underline NGOs As Authorities Find No Solution

Belgium: Failure to Deal with Persistent Reception Crisis is “Attack on Rule of Law” Human Rights Institutions Say, Situation in the Building of Palais des Droits is “Worse than that in Libya’s Camps” Underline NGOs As Authorities Find No Solution

Five human rights institutions as well as Commissioner for Human Rights urged Belgium to ensure accommodation to asylum seekers and respect its international obligations. International protection applicants continue to endure deplorable conditions in the squat of...
Belgium: Refugees Enduring “Unacceptable, Inhumane & Degrading” Conditions as Reception Crisis Continues, De Moor Blames Lack of Reception Facilities on “Disproportionate Influx”, ECtHR Applies Another Interim Measure on Right to Reception

Belgium: Refugees Enduring “Unacceptable, Inhumane & Degrading” Conditions as Reception Crisis Continues, De Moor Blames Lack of Reception Facilities on “Disproportionate Influx”, ECtHR Applies Another Interim Measure on Right to Reception

“Unacceptable” asylum and reception conditions in Belgium continues to leave thousands of people including vulnerable groups in the streets of Europe’s capital. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) applies interim measure for the second time in the last few...
Reception Crises: Belgium Leaves Afghans in Legal Limbo, Asylum Seekers Including Minors & Families with Children are Left Out Without Shelter in Europe’s Capital, A New Law in the Netherlands to Accommodate Refugees Is Approved by the Right

Reception Crises: Belgium Leaves Afghans in Legal Limbo, Asylum Seekers Including Minors & Families with Children are Left Out Without Shelter in Europe’s Capital, A New Law in the Netherlands to Accommodate Refugees Is Approved by the Right

Belgium continues to violate rule of law by denying asylum seekers the right to reception on a daily basis for over a year now. Around 5000 Afghans are likely to receive a negative answer to their asylum applications as the authorities attempt to “solve” the ongoing...