University Scholarships for Refugees

University of Antwerp – Belgium, Preparatory one-year programme: Dutch as a Foreign Language in an Academic Context, deadline 5 July University of Bristol – United Kingdom, Sanctuary Scholarship Scheme Leipzig Graduate School of Management – Germany,...

European Commission presents Action Plan on Integration

In a Communication released on 7 June 2016, the European Commission presented its Action Plan on the integration of third country nationals. As stated in the Communication, specific attention should be paid to newly-arrived refugees, who often face specific problems,...

The slow unfolding of the EU-Turkey deal?

At least 35 asylum seekers who applied for protection in Greece, had their claims rejected on admissibility grounds and appealed the decision, received a positive outcome of their appeal. Their applications had been rejected in first instance on the grounds that...

Switzerland: Asylum reform approved by referendum

On 5 June 2016, a Swiss referendum approved the amendment of the Asylum Act with a view to a substantial restructuring of the asylum system. The reform will introduce a country-wide accelerated procedure, entailing shorter time-limits to complete the examination of...

Tragic series of shipwrecks leave thousands dead

Over the last two weeks, a tragic series of shipwrecks has claimed the lives of at least 1,440 people, according to the incidents reported by IOM Missing Migrants. In the latest of the shipwrecks, at least 320 are feared dead or missing while trying to reach the Greek...

#ReuniteThem campaign for the young superheroes of Calais

ECRE member France terre d’asile has launched a campaign called #ReunissezLes, #ReuniteThem to raise awareness about the plight of hundreds of unaccompanied children living in Calais. In the campaign, they are portrayed as superheroes on a mission filled with...