New detention centres at the external EU borders

New detention centres at the external EU borders

Greece is building pre-removal detention facilities on the Aegean islands with the aim of accelerating the implementation of the EU-Turkey statement. These will be separate from the Reception and Identification Centres on the hotspots where newly arrived refugees and...
AIDA 2016 Update: Belgium

AIDA 2016 Update: Belgium

The updated Country Report on Belgium contains information on recent developments in case law and policy related to asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention of asylum seekers and integration of beneficiaries of international protection. Belgium not only...
AIDA 2016 Update: Austria

AIDA 2016 Update: Austria

The Updated Country Report on Austria documents the rapid evolution of the asylum system in the aftermath of successive legislative reforms and prospective amendments. Far-reaching changes to the asylum procedure and content of international protection were introduced...
Italy curtails appeal rights and expands rebranded detention centres

Italy curtails appeal rights and expands rebranded detention centres

On 10 February, the Italian Council of Ministers adopted a law that foresees the acceleration of asylum procedures and returns, following heavily criticised plans set out in the second half of 2016. The Decree Law is only provisionally binding until it is voted on in...
Protection as a pull factor? The contested end of the Dubs amendment

Protection as a pull factor? The contested end of the Dubs amendment

The UK government announced that it would end resettlement of child refugees under the ‘Dubs amendment,’ amid widespread criticism. The amendment resettled in the UK unaccompanied refugee children who had arrived elsewhere in Europe. On 8 February, Robert Goodwill UK...