ECRE Annual General Conference 2018

ECRE Annual General Conference 2018

NB! Registration is now closed due to oversubscription. If you are an ECRE member or from UNHCR please contact Omar Al Tarsheh at Annual General Conference of the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) together with the UNHCR-NGO Europe...
Editorial: Towards a place of no return

Editorial: Towards a place of no return

Horst Seehofer has managed to illustrate the inhumanity and futility of Europe’s return policy with a “joke” about the deportation of 69 people on his 69th birthday. The numbers no longer match: one of the group committed suicide after being returned to Afghanistan....
AIDA briefing: Withdrawal of reception conditions of asylum seekers

AIDA briefing: Withdrawal of reception conditions of asylum seekers

The latest AIDA Legal Briefing analyses European countries’ national legal frameworks and practice on the reduction and withdrawal of reception conditions of asylum seekers under the recast Reception Conditions Directive. It identifies circumstances in which the...
France: Court decision is a triumph for solidarity

France: Court decision is a triumph for solidarity

Last week the French Constitutional Council delivered a landmark decision which ruled the so-called “crime of solidarity” (délit de solidarité), which criminalises a person who facilitates the irregular entry, should not be charged for any act provided for...

Ireland: New reception rules following opt-in to EU Directive*

On 6 July 2018, Ireland adopted the European Communities (Reception Conditions) Regulations 2018 (S.I. 231 of 2018) through it which transposed the recast Reception Conditions Directive into domestic law. The Regulations place reception conditions on statutory footing...