UNHCR: 4 million refugee children without access to school

UNHCR: 4 million refugee children without access to school

The study Turn the Tide: Refugee Education in Crisis released by the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) on August 29 reveals that within the last year alone there has been an alarming increase of half a million refugee children that are without access to school, bringing the...
Greece arrests three people for allegedly assisting migrant entry

Greece arrests three people for allegedly assisting migrant entry

Three nationals of Syria, Germany and Greece, have been arrested in Lesvos, after an investigation by the Greek authorities implicating 30 people in all in a criminal case of facilitating entry of third-country nationals. The three are associated with the organisation...
Home Office Deportations putting Children at Risk of Trafficking

Home Office Deportations putting Children at Risk of Trafficking

Findings obtained by the Thomson Reuters Foundation have proved that the UK Home Office is increasingly denying protection to victims of child slavery. Between 2015 and 2017, the government rejected asylum claims made by 183 people- almost double the figure for the...
Cyprus: Legislative reforms bring changes to asylum procedure

Cyprus: Legislative reforms bring changes to asylum procedure

Last month, Cyprus adopted Law No 73(I)/2018 establishing an International Protection Administrative Court (IPAC), which will examine appeals relating to provisions of the Refugee Law. This includes appeals against negative decisions on asylum applications, Dublin...
Demonstrators protest against Belgium’s detention of children

Demonstrators protest against Belgium’s detention of children

Between 1200 and 2500 people gathered at the feet of the Manneken Pis last week to protest the holding of four children in a detention centre in Belgium. The crowd, led by the initiative #NotInMyName, decried the ‘inhumane’ policies of the Belgian authorities and...
Australia overrides court decision, authorises offshore detention

Australia overrides court decision, authorises offshore detention

Labour and Coalition MP’s have passed a new Migration Bill which will retrospectively make lawful the 2002 excision of Ashmore Reef from Australia’s migration zone, in contradiction of a Federal Court ruling from July. The Ashmore reef was declared an ‘offshore...