Hungary: Let’s capitalise on the European Parliament’s decision

Hungary: Let’s capitalise on the European Parliament’s decision

In good news for the rule of the law in Europe, this week the European Parliament acted against Hungary for its multiple breaches of European values, with its Resolution on the report prepared by MEP Judith Sargentini. Despite uncertainty in the run-up to the vote, in...
It’s a 2- player- game: Table tennis as a means to integration

It’s a 2- player- game: Table tennis as a means to integration

An interview with Tim Holtam, founding director of the Brighton Table Tennis Club Can you tell us about the history and background of the Brighton Table Tennis Club (BTTC)? I started the club in 2007 alongside my co-founder Harry McCarney, with just a couple of...
European Commission releases proposal to recast Return Directive

European Commission releases proposal to recast Return Directive

The European Commission released new proposals on border control and migration reform this week to coincide with President Juncker’s State of the Union address. Announced as the ‘last elements needed for compromise on migration and border reform’, they include a...
Slovenia: Access to Asylum Compromised in Returns to Croatia*

Slovenia: Access to Asylum Compromised in Returns to Croatia*

A recent report on Slovenia’s implementation of returns to Croatia highlights barriers to access to asylum and deficiencies in return procedures, in potential breach of the principle of non-refoulement. The report was published by the Legal-Informational Centre for...
Spain: Undocumented immigrants regain the right to health

Spain: Undocumented immigrants regain the right to health

The Spanish Congress of Deputies has approved a legal decree that expands access to health to undocumented migrants. In 2012, the former government of Mariano Rajoy restricted access to health care for this group save in specificly determined cases. On 6 September...
Policy Note: Taking Liberties – Detention and Asylum Law Reform

Policy Note: Taking Liberties – Detention and Asylum Law Reform

ECRE has published a policy note analysing the changes agreed so far on the reform of the Reception Conditions Directive and the way these reforms will likely lead to an increased use of detention against asylum seekers. As negotiations on the recast Directive reach...

Turkey: UNHCR ends registration of non-Syrian asylum seekers*

UNHCR has announced that its registration activities for applicants for international protection in Turkey will end on 10 September 2018, as part of the transition of refugee status determination responsibility to the Turkish Directorate General for Migration...