Op-ed: Criminalising Sea Rescue

Op-ed: Criminalising Sea Rescue

0p-ed by Lea Main- Klingst Lea holds a LLM in Human Rights Law from University College London and works as a legal researcher in London. She is a founding member of SOS MEDITERRANEE Germany, and supports their press and advocacy work. In the span of four days, between...
Op-ed: Volunteers on Trial

Op-ed: Volunteers on Trial

Op-ed by Laura Daïeff and Meena Masood Seán Binder and Sarah Mardini are humanitarian volunteers who were arrested by Greek Authorities in August, and currently remain detained while they await trial. They have been accused of assisting refugees to enter Greece...

Ireland: Asylum seekers left without accommodation*

Asylum seekers face heightened risks of destitution due to a shortage of reception places in Ireland. The Department of Justice has confirmed that at least 20 people were told they could not be provided with accommodation in the last two weeks. The occupancy rate of...