The Struggle Continues for Civilian Search and Rescue in the Med

The Struggle Continues for Civilian Search and Rescue in the Med

Released after being detained in Malta for four months, the search and rescue vessel Sea-Watch 3 is returning to its mission as part of a joint fleet alongside the Spanish organisation Open Arms and Italian partner Mediterranea. With the Aquarius chartered by Médecins...
RSC Report: Refugees as Providers of Protection and Assistance

RSC Report: Refugees as Providers of Protection and Assistance

Oxford University’s Refugee Studies Centre has published a report on the importance of refugee-led community organisations (RCOs) in low- and middle-income countries. By examining four cases of refugee-led social protection in Kenya (Nairobi and Kakuma) and Uganda...

Austria: Social Welfare Restrictions on Refugees Contrary to EU Law*

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has decided, regarding the case C-713/17 Ayubi, that persons granted refugee status must also be entitled to the same level of social assistance as nationals of the host country in accordance with the EU’s recast...