Cameroon Forces Nigerian Refugees back to Violence

Cameroon Forces Nigerian Refugees back to Violence

Since November, more than 80,000 Nigerians have been forcibly displaced  in the north- east of the country, due to an upsurge in the on- going violent clashes between non-state armed groups and the Nigerian military. The situation for those who were forced to flee...
Spain Proposes Increase in Deportations and Detention

Spain Proposes Increase in Deportations and Detention

The Spanish government of Pedro Sanchez has announced plans to expel 9,000 irregular migrants in 2019. They also intend to create new foreigner detention centres (CIEs) in the Peninsula. The country’s budget proposal for 2019, still to be approved in April, was...
Asylum Statistics 2018: Changing Arrivals, Same Concerns*

Asylum Statistics 2018: Changing Arrivals, Same Concerns*

Disparities in the way European countries grant international protection to people fleeing persecution and war persisted in 2018, according to asylum statistics made available by national asylum authorities While EU institutions have emphasised a reduction of arrivals...

Spain: Court Orders Access to Reception for Dublin Returnees*

The Superior Court (Tribunal Superior de Justicia, TSJ) of Madrid has ordered the Spanish authorities to ensure that asylum seekers returning to Spain from other European countries under the Dublin Regulation are not excluded from access to the reception system. The...