Med: Alarming Numbers of Interceptions

Med: Alarming Numbers of Interceptions

While this week over 500 people have been rescued and brought to Europe by civilian and state agents more than 200 have been intercepted before reaching Europe. According to a UN report more than half of people departing from Libya have been returned to places where...
Systemic Pushbacks and Border Violence Continue in the Balkans

Systemic Pushbacks and Border Violence Continue in the Balkans

Pushbacks and violent policing practices in the Balkan Region remain a serious matter of concern according to a report published by the Border Violence Monitoring Network. The report gathers testimonies, photographs and other evidence of violent border practices...
Weekly Editorial: Disembarkation – Are We Nearly There Yet?

Weekly Editorial: Disembarkation – Are We Nearly There Yet?

In the last few weeks, some progress has been made on the temporary arrangements for disembarkation and relocation in the Mediterranean, first at a special meeting in Valletta and at the Justice and Home Affairs Council in Luxembourg on Tuesday. ECRE offers a cautious...
ECRE Policy Note: Making the CEAS Work, Starting Today

ECRE Policy Note: Making the CEAS Work, Starting Today

ECRE has published a Policy Note identifying key implementation priorities and recommendations for EU measures in order to make the Common European Asylum System function. The stalemate in the negotiations on the reform of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) over...