The European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) has updated its EU Asylum, Borders and External Cooperation on Migration: Recent Developments publication as of September 2018.
This in-depth analysis discusses key initiatives put forward by the EU in order to respond to migratory challenges, focusing on three major aspects: reforming the common European asylum system (CEAS), strengthening the EU’s external borders and reinforcing the EU’s external cooperation on migration. The paper builds on previous research and analysis delivered by the EPRS.
The paper discuss the improvement of the management of the external borders through a better use of IT systems. Further, it underlines the need to provide more legal pathways to Europe for people in need of international protection, through resettlement measures and migration compacts. Moreover, it addresses the various EU funding instruments that support migration-related projects in third countries, particularly in key countries of origin and transit such as Syria, Iraq, Turkey and African countries.
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published a report on the human rights implications of proposals for interoperability of different information databases in the area of home affairs by supporting that while it can contribute to better decision-making and more efficient detection of missing children, data protection safeguards are needed to shield individuals against human rights violations.
UNHCR’s “Projected Global Resettlement Needs in 2019” report reveals a widening gap between the number of refugees in need of resettlement and the places made available by governments around the world. According to the report, 1.4 million people are expected to be in need of resettlement in 2019, a 17% increase from 2018 levels, while the number of resettlement places dropped to 75,000 in 2017.
For further information:
- ECRE, Asylum at the European Council 2018: Outsourcing or Reform – ECRE’s analysis of the Proposals Launched at the June 2018 European Council and its Updated Assessment of the CEAS Legislative Reforms, August 2018
- ECRE, Austrian Presidency: to focus on external borders rather than internal solidarity, March 2018
- ECRE, Global resettlement needs on the rise, while opportunities decline, June 2018
- ECRE, CEAS reform process: State of play of negotiation on Dublin IV Regulation and the Reception Conditions Directive, December 2017
- ECRE, Database interoperability should not come at cost of human rights, cautions FRA, July 2017
- ECRE, Policy Note: Untying the EU Resettlement Framework, October 2016
Photo: (CC) Casey Hugelfink, March 2014
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