Policy Notes

 Migration Control Conditionality: a flawed modelSchengen: a Club where Fundamental Rights (DO NOT) Matter?Time to Commit: Using the Global Refugee ForumMaking the CEAS Work, Starting TodayBorder Procedures: Not a PanaceaMigration Mission Creep?Return Policy:...
ECRE Policy Note: Migration Control Conditionality: A Flawed Model

ECRE Policy Note: Migration Control Conditionality: A Flawed Model

ECRE has published a Policy Note which discusses proposal to make EU external funding, including development assistance, conditional on third country governments’ willingness to increase cooperation on readmission. The new leadership of the European Commission and the...
Germany: Conservatives Keep Pushing for Return to Syria

Germany: Conservatives Keep Pushing for Return to Syria

Although the German Federal Foreign Office has declared Syria unsafe for returns, Interior ministers of the German federal states are pushing for the return of certain individuals back to Syria. During last week’s council of interior ministers, the extension of the...