Your Day Your Voice: 68 quotes from people in refuge across Europe

Your Day Your Voice: 68 quotes from people in refuge across Europe

On World Refugee Day June 20, 2018 the Global Trends report from UNHCR reveals that 68.5 million people are forcibly displaced across the globe. 25.4 million are refugees and 85% of them are hosted in developing regions. For the small percentage that have reached...
Editorial: Asylum in Europe: Where do we go now?

Editorial: Asylum in Europe: Where do we go now?

After two years of tortuous and time-consuming negotiations, there is no sign that discussions on the reform of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) are going to reach a satisfactory conclusion. The sticking point remains the reform of the Dublin Regulation with...
Bolstering borders in the Balkans

Bolstering borders in the Balkans

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and Slovenia have all stepped up border patrols following an increasing number of people transiting through the area, particularly through Bosnia and Herzegovina. Last week the Bosnian Prime Minister Denis Zvisdic announced...