Editorial: French Presidency Plans: New Momentum or Hot Air?

Editorial: French Presidency Plans: New Momentum or Hot Air?

There are reports of new momentum after a meeting of the JHA Council, preceded by a speech from President Macron. Even Commissioner Johansson seemed pleased, understandable after two years of wrangling recalcitrant Member States. The French ideas are based on a...
EU Eastern Borders: Interior Ministers Want to Beef Up ‘Protection’ of Borders, Lithuania Fines MSF Medics, Court Backs Red Cross in Polish Border Zone, Ombudsman Finds Polish Reception Insufficient

EU Eastern Borders: Interior Ministers Want to Beef Up ‘Protection’ of Borders, Lithuania Fines MSF Medics, Court Backs Red Cross in Polish Border Zone, Ombudsman Finds Polish Reception Insufficient

At a meeting of European interior ministers to discuss border security and asylum rules, politicians advocated for firmer measures to “protect” external borders. Lithuania has fined medics from Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) for entering the emergency zone near the...
Editorial: Asylum Mini-Package: Derogations Through the Backdoor

Editorial: Asylum Mini-Package: Derogations Through the Backdoor

The New Year was bookended by worrying developments on the right to asylum in Europe:  legislative proposals which, together with the proposed Council Decision of November 2021, could be classed as a new asylum mini-package. In the reductio ad absurdum that is EU...