Asylum statistics 2017: Shifting patterns, persisting disparities*

Despite reports of asylum applications “dropping off drastically” in the European Union throughout 2017, statistics published by national authorities seem to reveal a more complex picture across the continent. Germany witnessed a dramatic decrease in applications...
On the unfolding situation of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants sleeping rough in the streets of Brussels – Interview with Jolien Potemans Policy Officer at the Flemish Refugee Action who has been on location several times

On the unfolding situation of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants sleeping rough in the streets of Brussels – Interview with Jolien Potemans Policy Officer at the Flemish Refugee Action who has been on location several times

Informal refugee camps in cities – a (new) European reality? Reports of informal refugee camps and mounting police violence against the people inhabiting them are coming from all over Europe at the moment: Brussels, Paris and Rome. In an interview on the situation in...