Lack of safe and legal routes results in ever more deadly journeys

Lack of safe and legal routes results in ever more deadly journeys

UNHCR and MSF have released reports underlining the consequences of EU migration policies restricting access to the EU. Without safe and legal access to protection, migrants are at the mercy of smugglers and pushed to risk their lives on ever more dangerous routes....
EU eyeing up Tunisia for next migration deal?

EU eyeing up Tunisia for next migration deal?

Planned visits by Germany and Italy as well as the EU Commission’s Renewed Action Plan and Third Progression report of the Migration Partnership Framework identifying Tunisia as one of the priority countries reveal increasing interest from EU and Member States in...
New detention centres at the external EU borders

New detention centres at the external EU borders

Greece is building pre-removal detention facilities on the Aegean islands with the aim of accelerating the implementation of the EU-Turkey statement. These will be separate from the Reception and Identification Centres on the hotspots where newly arrived refugees and...