UK: Channel Crossings Continue Despite Ongoing Deterrence, Government Urged to Return Albanian Asylum Seekers Including Victims of Trafficking, UK Accused of “hypocrisy” Over Posturing on Survivors of Violence, Manston Scandals Keep Emerging 

UK: Channel Crossings Continue Despite Ongoing Deterrence, Government Urged to Return Albanian Asylum Seekers Including Victims of Trafficking, UK Accused of “hypocrisy” Over Posturing on Survivors of Violence, Manston Scandals Keep Emerging 

Number of arrivals to the UK has passed 42,000 and continue despite ongoing deterrence efforts and harsh weather conditions. Leading Tory MPs and ex-ministers are demanding the swift return of Albanian asylum seekers including survivors of trafficking. Amnesty...
Mediterranean: Commission’s Action Plan on the Central Med Endorsed by EU Interior Ministers Amid Critiques Over Recycling Old Mistakes, High-Profile EU Politicians Accused of Committing “Crimes Against Humanity” Over Cooperation with EU-Funded Libyan Coast Guard

Mediterranean: Commission’s Action Plan on the Central Med Endorsed by EU Interior Ministers Amid Critiques Over Recycling Old Mistakes, High-Profile EU Politicians Accused of Committing “Crimes Against Humanity” Over Cooperation with EU-Funded Libyan Coast Guard

As the Italy-France clash over the disembarkation of survivors by civilian search and rescue operators escalated the European Commission’s launched an action plan to “address challenges along the central med”. While, the plan has been endorsed by EU interior ministers...
Belgium: Refugees Enduring “Unacceptable, Inhumane & Degrading” Conditions as Reception Crisis Continues, De Moor Blames Lack of Reception Facilities on “Disproportionate Influx”, ECtHR Applies Another Interim Measure on Right to Reception

Belgium: Refugees Enduring “Unacceptable, Inhumane & Degrading” Conditions as Reception Crisis Continues, De Moor Blames Lack of Reception Facilities on “Disproportionate Influx”, ECtHR Applies Another Interim Measure on Right to Reception

“Unacceptable” asylum and reception conditions in Belgium continues to leave thousands of people including vulnerable groups in the streets of Europe’s capital. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) applies interim measure for the second time in the last few...