UK: Home Office Under Fire After Hundreds of Asylum-Seeking Children Went Missing from Hotels, Ongoing Channel Arrivals Continue to Prove the Unworkability of Deterrence Policies Amid Renewed Commitment to Hostile Environment Policies

UK: Home Office Under Fire After Hundreds of Asylum-Seeking Children Went Missing from Hotels, Ongoing Channel Arrivals Continue to Prove the Unworkability of Deterrence Policies Amid Renewed Commitment to Hostile Environment Policies

Home Office accused of “dereliction of duty” after 200 child asylum seekers went missing from its hotels amid calls to stop the use of hotels to accommodate them. People continue to risk their lives to reach the UK despite failing deterrence efforts and harsh weather...
UK: Home Office Under Fire After Hundreds of Asylum-Seeking Children Went Missing from Hotels, Ongoing Channel Arrivals Continue to Prove the Unworkability of Deterrence Policies Amid Renewed Commitment to Hostile Environment Policies

UK: Court of Appeal to Reconsider Rwanda Policy While Home Office Stands By It, Doubtful Initiatives to ‘fix’ Broken Asylum System, NGO Rejects Request to Take Down Video of Holocaust Survivor Confronting the Home Secretary

The same judges, who ruled that the Rwanda policy is lawful, granted permission to asylum seekers and one charity to appeal the ruling, while the Home Office expresses readiness to defend the unworkable policy at any appeal hearings. The UK government seeks to ‘fix’...
Mediterranean: Ongoing Crossings & Deaths Amid Increasing Crackdown on Migrants & Civil Fleet, Meloni Government to Meet with Third Countries Involved in Rights Violations, A Series of Judgments By ECtHR Confirms Failures in Malta’s Asylum System

Mediterranean: Ongoing Crossings & Deaths Amid Increasing Crackdown on Migrants & Civil Fleet, Meloni Government to Meet with Third Countries Involved in Rights Violations, A Series of Judgments By ECtHR Confirms Failures in Malta’s Asylum System

Alarm Phone’s latest report reveals a significant increase of crossings and distress alerts on the central Mediterranean in 2022 despite deaths and crackdown on migrants and search and rescue organisations. Italy’s far-right government aims to meet with third...
Atlantic Route and Spain: EU’s Strategic Partner Toughens Prison Sentences of 13 Migrants, Border & Migration Policies Blamed for Loss of Lives on Migratory Routes, Vulnerable Migrants Exposed to “Levels of Exploitation Close to Slavery” in Canary Islands

Atlantic Route and Spain: EU’s Strategic Partner Toughens Prison Sentences of 13 Migrants, Border & Migration Policies Blamed for Loss of Lives on Migratory Routes, Vulnerable Migrants Exposed to “Levels of Exploitation Close to Slavery” in Canary Islands

Morocco increases the prison sentences of 13 migrants from two years and a half to three years after Melilla massacre. Meanwhile, people continue to take life-threatening journeys to reach Spain despite the death of 11,286 people at the Spanish borders in the last...