Greek refugee crisis: ECRE calls for solidarity

04 September 2015 ECRE has released an urgent call to the EU and its Member States for greater solidarity in light of the deepening refugee crisis in Greece, accompanied by an op-ed by ECRE Secretary-General, Michael Diedring, reinforcing his call for responsibility...

A call for responsibility and solidarity

By Michael Diedring, ECRE Secretary General Without exception, the refugees I met in Lesvos were from Syria or Afghanistan. I wonder how many of them were teargassed or clubbed on the Greek-Macedonian border this past Friday and Saturday.   Two weeks ago, I stood in...

AIDA Legal Briefing: Challenges to asylum data provision

ECRE has published its second AIDA Legal Briefing, discussing key problems in the collection and provision of asylum statistics in the European Union (EU). The briefing draws on EU sources of data such as Eurostat and the European Asylum Support Office (EASO), as well...

Greece: Border monitoring reports by the Greek Council for Refugees

12 August 2015 Two mission reports on the situation on the island of Kos and Eidomeni, near the Greek-FYROM border, were published by ECRE member Greek Council for Refugees (GCR). In its report on Kos, compiled following a visit in June 2015, GCR notes the complete...

Greece: ECRE members respond to asylum crisis on the islands

17 July 2015 As UNHCR highlighted, Greece is facing an unprecedented refugee emergency, with 1,000 people arriving on the Greek islands daily over the latest weeks. Deutsche Welle and other media reported that during the first week of July alone 9,000 refugees and...

Registrations open for ELENA Network’s 30th Anniversary course

17 July 2015 ELENA’s 30th anniversary advanced course on legal avenues for strengthening international protection in Europe will take place on Friday 30 October and Saturday 31 October 2015 in the Royal Hotel Carlton in Bologna, Italy. Interested participants should...