EU Eastern Borders: Mixed Developments in Baltic States as EU Defends Lithuania and Latvia Over ‘Legalisation’ of Pushbacks, Polish Government Facing Headwind over Visa Corruption Scheme Amid Protests over Arbitrary Detention, Frontex Expanding Cooperation with Albania

EU Eastern Borders: Mixed Developments in Baltic States as EU Defends Lithuania and Latvia Over ‘Legalisation’ of Pushbacks, Polish Government Facing Headwind over Visa Corruption Scheme Amid Protests over Arbitrary Detention, Frontex Expanding Cooperation with Albania

Estonia updates temporary protection application process for Ukrainians, UNHCR publishes observations on proposed amendments of the law on Legal Status of Aliens in Lithuania. Commission defends ‘legalisation’ of pushbacks in Latvia and Lithuania in front of MEPs....
Greece: Company Accused of Locking Up Migrants Below Deck Implicated in Death of a Passenger, Non-assistance, Non-response, Delayed Assistance and Pushbacks Continue, Alliance with Italy to Strengthen Cooperation on Migration, EU Court’s Ruling on Frontex Raises Questions about Accountability as Greek Court Compensates a Refugee Over Unjust Detention

Greece: Company Accused of Locking Up Migrants Below Deck Implicated in Death of a Passenger, Non-assistance, Non-response, Delayed Assistance and Pushbacks Continue, Alliance with Italy to Strengthen Cooperation on Migration, EU Court’s Ruling on Frontex Raises Questions about Accountability as Greek Court Compensates a Refugee Over Unjust Detention

Charges were brought against crew members of a ferry owned by Attica Group, notorious for locking up migrants in dire conditions below deck, over the death of a passenger pushed into the sea. Ongoing crossings, deaths, pushbacks and delayed assistance at land and sea....
Mediterranean: Increase of Racist Violence and Scapegoating Against Migrants and Asylum Seekers in Southern Europe, Civilian Rescue Operators Continue to Save Lives Amid Increased Death Toll in Central Med

Mediterranean: NGOs Calling for End of the Political Harassment Against Search & Rescue Amid Ongoing Deadly Crossings, More Documentations of Pullback Cases by EU-funded Libyan Coastguard as EU-Tunisia Deal Continues to Receive Criticism

56 organisations released a joint statement calling for an end to the obstruction of civil search and rescue activities in the Mediterranean amid ongoing deaths and crossings. EU-funded so-called Libyan coastguard continues to tow migrants back to Libya where...