2022 Update AIDA Country Report: Slovenia

2022 Update AIDA Country Report: Slovenia

The updated AIDA Country Report on Slovenia provides a detailed overview on legislative and practice-related developments in asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention of asylum seekers, content of international protection, as well as procedure for and content...
2022 Update AIDA Country Report: Portugal

2022 Update AIDA Country Report: Portugal

The updated AIDA Country Report on Portugal provides a detailed overview on legislative and practice-related developments in asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention of asylum seekers, the content of international protection, as well as the procedure for and...
UK: Coastguard “Effectively” Ignores Distress Calls of People Crossing the Channel, Home Office Describes Return of Albanians as “Milestone” While Albanian Prime Minister Denounces UK, Officials Told to Look at “All Options” to House People Caught in Backlog

UK: Coastguard “Effectively” Ignores Distress Calls of People Crossing the Channel, Home Office Describes Return of Albanians as “Milestone” While Albanian Prime Minister Denounces UK, Officials Told to Look at “All Options” to House People Caught in Backlog

Around 440 people appear to have been left adrift on four different dates in early November 2021 as coastguard “effectively ignored” distress calls. Home Office announced the return of over 1000 Albanian nationals while the Albanian Prime Minister says that the...
Greece: EU-Funded Refugee Camps in the Aegean Built on a Regime of Incarceration, Authorities Use Criminal Proceedings as “Intimidation Tactic” Towards Humanitarians Amid Ongoing Pushbacks of Migrants, Refugees in Türkiye Suffer From Increasing Anti-Migrant Sentiment and Poverty

Greece: EU-Funded Refugee Camps in the Aegean Built on a Regime of Incarceration, Authorities Use Criminal Proceedings as “Intimidation Tactic” Towards Humanitarians Amid Ongoing Pushbacks of Migrants, Refugees in Türkiye Suffer From Increasing Anti-Migrant Sentiment and Poverty

Residents in EU-funded and highly surveilled Closed Controlled Access Centres (CCAC) in the Aegean islands live under regime of incarceration and excessive policing. Authorities continue the use of criminalisation as an intimidation tactic towards organisations and...
2022 Update AIDA Country Report: France

2022 Update AIDA Country Report: France

The updated AIDA Country Report on France provides a detailed overview on legislative and practice-related developments in asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention of asylum seekers, the content of international protection, as well as procedure for and...