Unaccompanied minors in the hotspot

by Elisa Maimone, Consiglio Italiano per i Rifugiati – CIR (Italian Council for Refugees)* Italian law prescribes that unaccompanied children cannot be placed in detention centres or in reception centres for adults. However, in practice unaccompanied minors...

CEPS publication provides an overview of asylum statistics for 2015

On 17 June, the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), published an article on the distribution of asylum seekers across the European Union, based on Eurostat statistics. It outlines the total amount of applications, the main countries of origin and destination,...

A colourful place in a bleak reality

By Rita Carvalho and Francesca Pierigh, ECRE We visited Hara Hotel near Polykastro, Greece, on 29 May 2016. The events mentioned in this story refer to that visit. We are standing outside a big white tent in Hara Hotel, a makeshift camp on the side of the road, a bit...

Too many rumours, too little information

By Rita Carvalho and Francesca Pierigh, ECRE We visited EKO camp near Polykastro on 28 May 2016. The events mentioned in this story refer to that visit. Yes, you read about it. You see pictures. You think you know. But when you drive past it, you cannot help but be...

Blog: Hard is the journey behind, harder is the journey ahead

by Francesca Pierigh, ECRE We visited EKO camp near Polykastro on 28 May 2016. The events mentioned in this story refer to that visit. “We just eat and sleep. Every day we eat and sleep. We didn’t come here to eat and sleep. As the sun is setting, we are almost at the...