1200 asylum-seekers still sleeping rough on the streets of Paris

1200 asylum-seekers still sleeping rough on the streets of Paris

1200 asylum-seekers are still sleeping in the streets of Porte de la Chapelle, Northern Paris, according to ECRE member France Terre d’Asile. The asylum-seekers have been waiting to enter the humanitarian center that opened in November 2016, following the...
New updates on the refugee hotspots in Italy and Greece

New updates on the refugee hotspots in Italy and Greece

The Dutch Council for Refugees in partnership with ECRE, the Italian Council for Refugees (CIR), the Greek Council for Refugees (GCR) and Pro Asyl, have published a series of updates on the situation in the hotspots in Italy and Greece, following its  original study,...
Reform reducing asylum standards in Belgium to minimum requirements

Reform reducing asylum standards in Belgium to minimum requirements

On 23 June 2017 the Belgian State Secretary for Asylum and Migration submitted a new legislative proposal amending the Aliens Act with the aim of transposing the recast Reception Conditions Directive and Asylum Procedures Directive. The law indicates a lowering of the...