Solidarity among Member States – a numbers game

Solidarity among Member States – a numbers game

Four months after the expiry of the 2015 relocation scheme organising transfers of applicants for international protection from Italy and Greece to other Member States, Germany’s Interior Ministry announced that relocations from Greece are at the final stage as almost...
ECRE is recruiting an Administration Assistant

ECRE is recruiting an Administration Assistant

ECRE is offering a position of Administrative Assistant (10 months – convention immersion professionnelle) with the ECRE UNHCR Strategic Partnership Unit starting in March 2018. The purpose of this position is to assist with all practical and logistical aspects...
Interview: New faces on the ECRE Board

Interview: New faces on the ECRE Board

The ECRE Board welcomes two new members: Sonja Tošković, incoming Executive Director at Belgrade Centre for Human Rights and new ECRE Southeast Europe Representative and Dorine Manson, Chair and Managing Director of the Dutch Council for Refugees and new ECRE Western...