Concern as rising numbers cross from Turkey to Greece via Evros

Concern as rising numbers cross from Turkey to Greece via Evros

Over a thousand people have crossed the Evros river, marking the land border between Turkey and Greece, since March this year. Last week over one hundred people arrived each day and 340 people arrived on Tuesday alone. This has led to concerns from authorities and...
Donor pledges fall short of target at Brussels II Syria Conference

Donor pledges fall short of target at Brussels II Syria Conference

Over 85 countries and NGOs gathered this week for the conference “Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region”, in an attempt to revive peace efforts and bolster financial support for humanitarian aid to the war-stricken region. Jointly chaired by the United Nations...
Total of Afghans deported from Turkey to reach 10,000

Total of Afghans deported from Turkey to reach 10,000

The Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu announced this week that 29,899 Afghans had crossed into Turkey since January – this compares to a total of 45,259 for the whole of 2017. The Minister said 7,100 migrants have been sent back to Afghanistan since early...

Greece: Government Defies Court on Asylum Seekers

JOINT STATEMENT Greece: Government Defies Court on Asylum Seekers Reinstates Containment Policy That Keeps People Trapped on Islands (Athens, April 25, 2018) – The Greek government’s move on April 20, 2018, overturning a binding court ruling ordering it to end its...
Top Greek Court annuls island restriction for new asylum seekers

Top Greek Court annuls island restriction for new asylum seekers

On Tuesday, the Greek Council of State issued a decision annulling the Asylum Service Director Decision which imposed a geographical restriction on asylum seekers arriving on the islands of Lesvos, Rhodes, Chios, Samos, Leros and Kos after 20 March 2016. The Council...
Op-Ed: Moria 35 – Trial at the Gates of Fortress Europe

Op-Ed: Moria 35 – Trial at the Gates of Fortress Europe

Op-ed by Carlos Orjuela and Lorraine Leete of Legal Centre Lesbos. “On the 20 April, we are scheduled to attend trial in Chios after waiting nine months, trapped on Lesvos, while 30 of our brothers unjustly have waited in prison for this same time period.  Our...