AIDA 2018 Update: United Kingdom*

The updated Country Report on the United Kingdom provides a detailed account of developments in the area of asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention and content of protection. Two new policies were introduced in relation to unaccompanied children brought by...

AIDA 2018 Update: Romania and Serbia*

The updated AIDA reports on Romania and Serbia track legislative developments and practice relating to the treatment of people in need of international protection. Access to the territory remains a critical regional problem, as successive push backs continue to be...

AIDA 2018 Update: Poland*

The updated AIDA country report on Poland maps the latest developments in the asylum procedure, reception conditions, detention and status of persons obtaining international protection in Poland. Asylum procedure: Access to the territory and to the asylum procedure...
Editorial: Strategic Destitution and the Politics of Migration

Editorial: Strategic Destitution and the Politics of Migration

The news from Italy this week is of the destruction of an informal settlement, housing 1500 people and in place since 2010. There are many troubling elements of the story, and not least the nexus between migration and labour exploitation (those of us eating Italian...
Op-ed: UNHCR’s Uncourageous Vision

Op-ed: UNHCR’s Uncourageous Vision

By James C. Hathaway, James E. and Sarah A. Degan Professor of Law at the University of Michigan and Distinguished Visiting Professor of International Refugee Law at the University of Amsterdam. Persisting with the status quo ad hoc, State-by-State approach to...
EU-Turkey Deal: Reception Conditions Trigger Voluntary Returns

EU-Turkey Deal: Reception Conditions Trigger Voluntary Returns

The number of asylum seekers returned from Greece, voluntarily and involuntarily, and levels of EU support to refugees in Turkey cast shadow on EU Agenda on Migration. In its response to a parliamentary question, the German government stated that 5000 people, who had...
Scotland: Report Reveals Destitution of Rejected Asylum Seekers

Scotland: Report Reveals Destitution of Rejected Asylum Seekers

The report ‘FROM PILLAR TO POST – Destitution among people refused asylum in Scotland’ reveals an urgent need for a national action plan to tackle asylum and migrant destitution in Scotland. Currently  they face significant barriers to having their most basic...