AIDA 2018 Update: Spain & France*

The updated AIDA Country Reports on Spain and France document developments in the two countries’ asylum systems, against the backdrop of increasing numbers of asylum applications. A total of 55,570 asylum seekers registered applications in Spain, while 139,330 were...

AIDA 2018 Update: Cyprus*

The updated AIDA Country Report on Cyprus tracks developments in the areas of asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention of asylum seekers and content of international protection, against the backdrop of a significant increase in the number of people seeking...

AIDA 2018 Update: Croatia*

The updated AIDA Country Report on Croatia details legislative and practice-related developments in asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention of asylum seekers and content of international protection. Asylum procedure: Reports of refoulement or push backs at...
Editorial: ECRE’s Work Goes On in the Calm Before the Storm

Editorial: ECRE’s Work Goes On in the Calm Before the Storm

Campaigning for the European Parliament elections is in full swing with many MEPs back home and a deceptive sense of calm in Brussels. On asylum and migration certain political and legislative initiatives are still moving, however. After the Council failed to follow...
Op-ed: Pull Factors – The Myth That Never Dies…

Op-ed: Pull Factors – The Myth That Never Dies…

By Lucy Mayblin, Senior Lecturer in Sociology at Sheffield University. Lucy’s research focuses on asylum, human rights, policy-making, and the legacies of colonialism. She is the author of ‘Asylum After Empire: Postcolonial Legacies in the Politics of Asylum...
Most People Drowned at Moroccan Maritime Border Never Identified

Most People Drowned at Moroccan Maritime Border Never Identified

According to investigations by Platforme National de Protection Migrants (PNPM), the vast majority of people who die in Moroccan waters when trying to reach Europe, are never identified. The report raises concerns over obligations under international law to respect...
EASO publishes Country Guidance on Nigeria

EASO publishes Country Guidance on Nigeria

The European Asylum Support Office (EASO) has published its guidance note and common analysis on Nigeria. The Country Guidance reflects the common general assessment of the situation in Nigeria by senior policy officials from EU Member States with regards to the...