Study Seeks to Fill Knowledge Gap on Sexual Abuse of Male Migrants

Study Seeks to Fill Knowledge Gap on Sexual Abuse of Male Migrants

Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC) has released the study: “’More Than One Million Pains”: Sexual Violence Against Men and Boys on the Central Mediterranean Route to Italy”, broadening the scope and seeking to fill the gap of research on sexual abuse of men and boys...

AIDA 2018 Update: Hungary*

The updated Country Report on Hungary provides a detailed overview of developments in the asylum procedure, reception conditions and detention, as well as content of international protection. A quasi-state of exception introduced into Hungarian law in September 2015,...

AIDA 2018 Update: Belgium & the Netherlands

The updated AIDA reports on Belgium and the Netherlands document the latest developments and practice relating to the reception and treatment of people seeking international protection. Access to the asylum procedure was a particular concern in both countries, as...

AIDA 2018 Update: Austria*

The updated Country Report on Austria provides a detailed overview of developments in the asylum procedure, reception conditions and detention, as well as content of international protection. Asylum procedure Length of procedures: The 20-day period for the...
Germany Steps Up Dublin Transfers Putting Asylum Seekers at Risk

Germany Steps Up Dublin Transfers Putting Asylum Seekers at Risk

Germany has increased the number of Dublin Transfers, also to countries where people seeking protection may experience human rights violations and deficiencies in asylum procedures. In a response to a parliamentary question, the German government states that, despite...
Scotland Leading the Way on UK Resettlement Scheme 

Scotland Leading the Way on UK Resettlement Scheme 

Nearly one-fifth of the Syrian refugees who came to the UK as part of Syrian vulnerable person resettlement programme have settled in Scotland, according to official figures. Data obtained from the Scottish Parliament’s Information Centre shows that since 2015,...

AIDA 2018 Update: Malta*

The updated AIDA Country Report on Malta provides the latest developments in the country concerning the asylum procedure, reception conditions, detention and content of international protection. Asylum procedure: In 2018, the debate on asylum was dominated by a number...