Netherlands: An End to Legal Aid at First Instance*

Netherlands: An End to Legal Aid at First Instance*

The Dutch State Secretary for Asylum and Migration has announced that asylum seekers will no longer receive state-provided legal assistance and representation during the examination of their claim at first instance. Applicants in the regular procedure are currently...
ECtHR: Failure to Assess Risk of Return Violated Article 3 ECHR

ECtHR: Failure to Assess Risk of Return Violated Article 3 ECHR

On 21 November 2019, the European Court of Human Rights (the Court) delivered its judgment on the detention of two Bangladeshi nationals in the Röszke transit zone and their subsequent removal to Serbia. The case was referred to the Grand Chamber (GC) by the Hungarian...
Policy Note: Time to Commit: Using the Global Refugee Forum

Policy Note: Time to Commit: Using the Global Refugee Forum

ECRE has published a Policy Note on the implementation of the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) in and by Europe and set out recommendations for the EU and its Member States (MS) to pledge to the Global Refugee Forum. The Global Refugee Forum will be an important...
#VoicesOfECRE: Eero Janson

#VoicesOfECRE: Eero Janson

Interview with Eero Janson Chair of the Estonian Refugee Council and representative for the Nordic Baltic region at the ECRE board ECRE is an alliance of 104 NGOs across 41 European countries and its diverse membership ranges from large INGOs with global presence to...
Med: At Least Nine People Dead after Shipwreck off Lanzarote

Med: At Least Nine People Dead after Shipwreck off Lanzarote

A shipwreck off Lanzarote brings the overall number of deaths of people trying to cross the Mediterranean to reach Europe close to 1100. Meanwhile, five states agreed to distribute 88 people rescued by the NGO vessel Alan Kurdi. At least nine people died in a...