Med: Mounting Death Toll while NGOs Struggle to Keep up with Rescues

Med: Mounting Death Toll while NGOs Struggle to Keep up with Rescues

Over the course of the last week at least 41 people have died in two separate shipwrecks, one off Lampedusa and one between Morocco and Spain. After disembarking a total of 353 people in Italian ports in the beginning of the week, NGO ships rescued another 213 people...
Finnish Presidency Pushes For Widening Leverage on Returns

Finnish Presidency Pushes For Widening Leverage on Returns

In a discussion paper for EU member states representatives published by Statewatch, the Finnish presidency of the Council proposed concrete options to enhance the leverage of the EU to bring third countries to cooperate on readmission of their nationals. The punitive...
UK: Pre-Removal Detention of Asylum Seekers Confirmed Unlawful

UK: Pre-Removal Detention of Asylum Seekers Confirmed Unlawful

On 27 November the Supreme Court unanimously rejected an appeal by the UK Home Office to overturn a landmark ruling from the the Court of Appeal declaring the detention of asylum seekers while their cases were being assessed in the Dublin Procedure unlawful. The case...
#VoicesOfECRE: Bellinda Bartolucci

#VoicesOfECRE: Bellinda Bartolucci

Interview with Bellinda Bartolucci, Head of the Legal Policy Department for PRO ASYL ECRE is an alliance of 104 NGOs across 41 European countries and its diverse membership ranges from large INGOs with global presence to small organisations of dedicated activists....
Greece: Return to Plans for Detention Centres on the Islands

Greece: Return to Plans for Detention Centres on the Islands

The Greek Ministry of Defence announced on 20 November 2019 new plans for strengthening border control and effecting returns of asylum seekers to Turkey, including the gradual closure of  the Reception and Identification Centres (RIC) of Moria, Vial and Vathy on...